Mudah! Cara MAsak Deep fried chai tow kway / carrot cake Rasa Premium

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Deep fried chai tow kway / carrot cake. It's soft and slightly gooey rice cake fried in lots of lard and flavoured with garlic, chai poh, sambal, fish sauce and light soya sauce. For those who like it black rather than white, a copious amount of sweet sauce is added. Eggs are a must and bean sprouts help cut back the grease.

Deep fried chai tow kway / carrot cake Refrigerate the cake so that it's easier to cut into cubes for frying. In a non-stick wok or pan, add the oil and place. Singapore fried carrot cake is a savory dish made of steamed radish/turnip cake cut into cubes and stir-fried with eggs and seasonings.

Bahan-bahan diperlukan buat Deep fried chai tow kway / carrot cake :

  1. Siapkan 100 gram tepung beras.
  2. Sediakan 200 ml air.
  3. Siapkan 2 sudu besar tepung jagung.
  4. Sediakan 300 gram lobak putih.
  5. Sediakan 1/2 sudu kecil white pepper.
  6. Sediakan 1/2 sudu kecil garam.
  7. Siapkan 6 biji bawang pitih dicincang.
  8. Siapkan 2 sudu besar udang kering dicincang.
  9. Sediakan 1 sudu besar stok ayam.
  10. Sediakan minyak untuk menumis.

A popular hawker fare that you can make at home. A recipe for homemade chai tow kway is included too. You can make a white or black version of fried carrot cake..this dish, also known as fried carrot cake or fried radish cake is incredible - and shared by my Cut half the radish cake into bite-sized cubes. Chai tow kway (Chye Tow Kuay).

Langkah memasak Deep fried chai tow kway / carrot cake

  1. Kisar lobak putih sehingga hancur dengan sedikit air.
  2. Masukkan tepung beras, air 200 ml, white pepper, garam, tepung jagung dan stok ayam dan gaul sebati..
  3. Kemudian masukkan lobak putih yang dikisar tadi ke dalam mangkuk tepung dan gaul..
  4. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih sehingga garing dan kekuningan..
  5. Masukkan udang kering dan goreng lagi sehingga udang kering garing..
  6. Masukkam adunan lobak putih dan tepung beras tadi dan kacau sehingga pekat..
  7. Setelah pekat masukkan adunan ke dalam bekas aluminium yang dialas kertas minyak..
  8. Kukus adunan selama 1 jam..
  9. Sejukkan dan simpan di dalam peti ais selama semalam..
  10. Keesokkannya boleh lah dipotong carrot cake kita mengikut kesukaan..
  11. Kemudian, Carrot cake digoreng dalam minyak sehingga garing..

The radish cake can also be eaten on its own, either just steamed, or steamed and then pan-fried, as opposed to the steamed then wok-fried with other ingredients in chai tow kway. Fried carrot cake, or chai tow kway in the Teochew dialect, consists of cubes of radish cake stir-fried with garlic, eggs and preserved radish. The dish has two common versions: the white version, which is seasoned with light soya sauce, and the black version, where dark soya sauce is added instead. If you're looking for a good chai tow kway recipe, you've come to the right place. How do I convince you my CTK is good?

Mudah! Cara MAsak Deep fried chai tow kway / carrot cake Rasa Premium

Blog serta Portal Masakan Malaysia. Menghimpunkan ribuan resipi terkini, tradisional dan moden